When do I need to register?
For registration deadline dates, please view the UCR Academic Calendar
For information on degree requirements, go to you Degree Audit on your R'Space
What do I need for my Guidance Committee meetings?
You will meet with your Guidance Committee for the first time during fall quarter of your first year. At this meeting, you will establish your Course Program and choose your major and minor areas of specialization.
For your first meeting, you will need to complete a set of course program forms, located here and the Plant Biology Graduate Student Handbook. The Handbook is located on the current student page of the Plant Biology website. Read the instructions carefully. You must complete some parts of the form prior to the meeting. The Chair of the Guidance Committee must complete some parts of the form prior to or during the meeting. Both you and your committee will discuss your course program and revise these forms as needed. The Committee-approved forms should be submitted to the staff advisor for EAC approval. For information on degree requirements, go to you Degree Audit on your R'Space.
You and your Guidance Committee will also meet annually during the Spring Quarter to discuss and complete your Annual Progress Report, which is located here and in the Plant Biology Graduate Student Handbook.
Go to your Degree Audit for your degree requirements. To reserve a room, go to the UCR Facilities Reservation System at https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/user/view/requests . Smaller conference rooms in Batchelor Hall are generally used for qualifying exams, and the Genomics Auditorium is generally used for defenses.
Please consult the Graduate Division Rules and Regulation website and the Graduation Division Petitions and Forms website for more information.
What do I need to do for my Ph.D. written and oral exams?
Forming your Qualifying Committee is a two-step process involving (1) departmental forms and EAC approval and then (2) Graduate Division R'Grad electronic forms and approval. You must receive official Graduate Division approval of your qualifying committee before you sit for your qualifying exams. Before scheduling your qualifying exam, check to make sure you have satisfied all of the degree requirements and that you do not have any Grade Delays on your Degree Audit on your R'Space.
Step 1: After consulting with your major professor, you will make a request for appointment of faculty to your Qualifying Exam Committee. The Qualifying Exam nomination form is located here and in the Plant Biology Graduate Student Handbook. Please submit this form to the staff graduate advisor for EAC approval.
Step 2: After EAC approval, go to R'Grad on your R'Web and fill out the Form 2: Nomination for Qualifying Exam at least two months before your actual exam. After you receive official confirmation of your qualifying committee, you may proceed with your exam.
Go to your Degree Audit to make sure that you have completed all degree requirements and you do not have any Grade Delays on your record. To reserve a room, go to the UCR Facilities Reservation System at https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/user/view/requests . Smaller conference rooms in Batchelor Hall are generally used for qualifying exams, and the Genomics Auditorium is generally used for defenses.
Please consult the Graduate Division Rules and Regulation website and the Graduation Division Petitions and Forms website for more information.
How do I nominate my Thesis/Dissertation Committee?
Forming your Dissertation Committee is a two-step process involving (1) departmental forms and faculty advisor for continuing students approval and then (2) Graduate Division electronic forms and approval. You must receive official Graduate Division approval of your dissertation committee no more than three months after your qualifying exam.
Step 1: After consulting with your major professor, you will fill out the departmental nomination for the Dissertation Committee located here.
Step 2: After faculty advisor for continuing student approval of your dissertation committee, go to the Graduation Division Petitions and Forms and fill out the Dissertation/Thesis Committee Nomination/Change Form. You will receive an official notification from Graduate Division when your committee has been approved.
Go to your Degree Audit to make sure that you have completed all degree requirements and you do not have any Grade Delays on your record.
Please consult the Graduate Division Rules and Regulation website and the Graduation Division Petitions and Forms website for more information.
How do I schedule my Dissertation/Thesis defense?
Before scheduling your defense, check to make sure you have satisfied all of the degree requirements and that you do not have any Grade Delays on your Degree Audit on your R'Space. If you plan to defend during the academic year, it is suggested you arrange a time in the BPSC 250 seminar series. Please let the BPSC 250 instructor know your intention to defend (well in advance), and it will be put on the schedule. Mariella Valdivia will advertise your defense. Please consult the Graduate Division Graduation website for details and Graduation Division Petitions and Forms for forms and the Graduate Division Rules and Regulation website for more information.
To reserve a room, go to the UCR Facilities Reservation System at https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/user/view/requests . Smaller conference rooms in Batchelor Hall are generally used for qualifying exams, and the Genomics Auditorium is generally used for defenses.
Where are the electronic forms for the Annual Reviews?
Here is the link to the FACULTY Wufoo electronic ARPE form:
Here is the link to the STUDENT Wufoo electronic Annual Progress Report:
Here is the link to the instructions for both STUDENTS and FACULTY for the Annual Review:
Go to your Degree Audit to make sure that you have completed all degree requirements and you do not have any Grade Delays on your record. To reserve a room, go to the UCR Facilities Reservation System at https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/frs/app/user/view/requests . Smaller conference rooms in Batchelor Hall are generally used for qualifying exams, and the Genomics Auditorium is generally used for defenses.
When and how do I submit my thesis/dissertation?
Before scheduling your defense, please check to make sure you have satisfied all of the degree requirements needed on Degree Audit on your R'Space.
Information and deadlines for thesis/dissertation submission is located here:
Please consult the Graduate Division Rules and Regulation website and the Graduation Division Petitions and Forms website for more information.
How are rotation evaluations submitted?
Please be sure to fill out the rotation evaluation forms:
o The link for the student’s evaluation of the rotation is https://ucrbsgsac.wufoo.com/forms/q34b4ur07k4rjj/
o The link for the PI’s evaluation of the rotation is: https://ucrbsgsac.wufoo.com/forms/qrn2b0601vx4wm/